1:White form
2: Red blotch form
3: Spotless form
4: Large flower form
5: Hybrid (spotless X white)
6: Hybrid (Red blotch)

 2: Red blotch form


'Prince of sun' ' Young Princess'


right and left are sisters.
appear many variations.

'Red blotch form' of Ponerorchis graminifolia is generated by the mutation of
the one gene. Therefor, heredity form is simple.

 However, 'red blotch form' of Amitostigma lepidum 
is same as ' Many spots form'.
Many small spots gathers and it becomes a red patch. It is not single blotch.

 The size of flower- lip is influenced by the nutrition state. and the area of
blotch is decided by the gene, not correlated with size of flower.
The appearance of flower changes with conditions.(>>日本語訳)

Reference : Wisley Alpine Log 'PONERORCHIS'


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